
Assets of former top security officials unfrozen

Assets of former top security officials unfrozen

The North Cairo Criminal Court accepted petitions from former security officials Hassan Abdel Rahman and Ahmed Ramzy to cancel the…
Extradition process begins for Hussein Salem partner

Extradition process begins for Hussein Salem partner

Judicial sources have projected that the attorney general office’s department of international cooperation would within a week complete the file…
Morsy calls Al-Azhar grand sheikh to ease tension

Morsy calls Al-Azhar grand sheikh to ease tension

President Mohamed Morsy called Al-Azhar Grand Sheikh Ahmed al-Tayyeb on Tuesday to express his appreciation for Al-Azhar and its Islamic…
Shura Council discusses land development plan

Shura Council discusses land development plan

Head of the General Organization for Physical Planning Mostafa Madbouli presented an urban development plan to the Shura Council on…
Authorities increase oil supply to meet summer demand

Authorities increase oil supply to meet summer demand

The Egyptian General Petroleum Corporation is preparing for an increase in demand for oil during the summer months. EGPC head…
Workers protest at Presidential Palace

Workers protest at Presidential Palace

Hundreds of workers at the Alexandria branch of Pirelli, an Italian tire manufacturer, and environmental monitoring unit  workers in Cairo…
Women’s council demands punishment for violations against women

Women’s council demands punishment for violations against women

National Council for Women (NCW) has called on all state institutions to take legal measures against violations of citizens’ freedoms.…
Jama’a al-Islamiya calls on president to release 34 political prisoners

Jama’a al-Islamiya calls on president to release 34 political prisoners

Secretary General of the Jama’a al-Islamiya’s Construction and Development Party Alaa Abul Nasr said that they called on President Mohamed…
Jordanian spy case adjourned to 5 November

Jordanian spy case adjourned to 5 November

The Supreme Emergency State Security Court, headed by Judge Makram Awad adjourned the trial of Jordanian citizen Bashar Abu Zaid…
Funeral procession organized for Suez student stabbed by religious extremists

Funeral procession organized for Suez student stabbed by religious extremists

Hundreds of citizens in the district of Arbaeen in Suez organized a funeral procession for a student killed by religious…
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