
Mubarak arrives at Tora prison after refusing to disembark helicopter

Mubarak arrives at Tora prison after refusing to disembark helicopter

Former President Hosni Mubarak, who was sentenced to 25 years in jail Saturday arrived at Tora Prison Hospital, a few…
Anger and disappointment in the street following Mubarak case ruling

Anger and disappointment in the street following Mubarak case ruling

Taxi driver Khaled Morsy has been crying since he heard Saturday morning that former President Hosni Mubarak and his interior…
Security measures tightened at Cairo International Airport

Security measures tightened at Cairo International Airport

Cairo International Airport authorities tightened security measures inside the airport and on nearby roads in anticipation of unrest following the…
In disappointing transition, analysts say Mubarak’s verdict mocks justice

In disappointing transition, analysts say Mubarak’s verdict mocks justice

The only trial that has taken place against one of the fallen dictators of the Arab revolutions ended today. The…
Acquitted general to try to return to work at Interior Ministry

Acquitted general to try to return to work at Interior Ministry

Major General Omar al-Faramawy, former head of 6th October Security Directorate, told Al-Masry Al-Youm that he hopes to return to…
Adly’s lawyer to challenge verdict

Adly’s lawyer to challenge verdict

Former Interior Minister Habib al-Adly's lawyer Essam Mohamed al-Batawy plans to appeal the life sentence the Cairo Criminal Court gave…
From north to south, citizens march against Mubarak trial verdict

From north to south, citizens march against Mubarak trial verdict

Marches are being staged nationwide in protest of the verdict handed out by a Cairo court today in the case…
Brotherhood vows to take to the street

Brotherhood vows to take to the street

The Muslim Brotherhood vowed to take to the streets in protest of the trial verdicts handed down to former President…
Mubarak refuses to enter Tora prison following sentence

Mubarak refuses to enter Tora prison following sentence

Former President Hosni Mubarak is refusing to leave the helicopter that transported him to the maximum security Tora prison complex…
Court fails to deliver justice to martyrs’ families, human rights groups say

Court fails to deliver justice to martyrs’ families, human rights groups say

Amnesty International criticized the Cairo Criminal Court Saturday for failing to deliver justice in the trials of former officials. The…
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