
Mubarak refuses to enter Tora prison following sentence

Mubarak refuses to enter Tora prison following sentence

Former President Hosni Mubarak is refusing to leave the helicopter that transported him to the maximum security Tora prison complex…
Court fails to deliver justice to martyrs’ families, human rights groups say

Court fails to deliver justice to martyrs’ families, human rights groups say

Amnesty International criticized the Cairo Criminal Court Saturday for failing to deliver justice in the trials of former officials. The…
Holes in prosecution behind acquittals in Mubarak case

Holes in prosecution behind acquittals in Mubarak case

Head judge Ahmad Refaat said Saturday the criminal court's ruling of a life sentence (25 years) for former President Hosni…
Fury follows joy outside Mubarak’s courtroom

Fury follows joy outside Mubarak’s courtroom

Outside the Police Academy on Saturday, 10 minutes of elation gave way to feelings of anger as Hosni Mubarak and…
Politicians call for retrial of Mubarak case

Politicians call for retrial of Mubarak case

Political forces denounced the ruling in the case against Hosni Mubarak and 10 other defendants that sentenced  the former president…
Update: Morsy, Sabbahi, Abouel Fotouh and Khaled Ali join protesters in Tahrir

Update: Morsy, Sabbahi, Abouel Fotouh and Khaled Ali join protesters in Tahrir

Presidential candidate Mohamed Morsy and former presidential hopefuls Hamdeen Sabbahi, Abdel Moneim Abouel Fotouh, and Khaled Ali joined protesters in…
Live updates: Mubarak transferred to Tora prison for 25-year sentence

Live updates: Mubarak transferred to Tora prison for 25-year sentence

The historic trial of toppled President Hosni Mubarak is set to wrap up today when the presiding judge, Ahmed Refaat,…
Mubarak attorney Farid al-Deeb, a lawyer of brilliance and scandal

Mubarak attorney Farid al-Deeb, a lawyer of brilliance and scandal

Farid al-Deeb is unlikely to be fazed on Saturday, should a harsh ruling be issued against his most famous client,…
Shafiq supporters and protesters clash following canceled rally

Shafiq supporters and protesters clash following canceled rally

   Supporters of presidential candidate Ahmed Shafiq clashed with protesters demanding he be expelled from the presidential runoff, following the…
Hundreds protest in governorates against Shafiq’s candidacy

Hundreds protest in governorates against Shafiq’s candidacy

Hundreds of protesters in several of Egypt’s governorates took to the streets on Friday in protest of former regime member…
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