
Brotherhood takes precautions in advance of 24 August protests

Brotherhood takes precautions in advance of 24 August protests

  The Muslim Brotherhood and its political arm, the Freedom and Justice Party, are preparing to secure their headquarters in…
Fights in Mahalla between Morsy supporters, critics

Fights in Mahalla between Morsy supporters, critics

  Fights broke out during a rally in Mahalla on Thursday that was organized in support of President Mohamed Morsy’s…
Thursday’s papers: Controversy over new ‘Islamist’ editors

Thursday’s papers: Controversy over new ‘Islamist’ editors

  The announcement of new editors-in-chief of state-owned publications dominates the headlines of Thursday’s papers. While independent papers claim that…
Military declares war on border smuggling tunnels

Military declares war on border smuggling tunnels

The military has begun to destroy the tunnels under the Egypt-Gaza border to stop infiltrators and smuggling, security sources said…
Failures at 2 power plants caused blackout, official says

Failures at 2 power plants caused blackout, official says

Officials are working to restore electricity after two large power plants in 10th Ramadan City that supply vast swathes of…
Police officer killed, 3 injured chasing outlaw in Assiut

Police officer killed, 3 injured chasing outlaw in Assiut

A police officer was killed and three others injured Wednesday evening in an exchange of fire with a suspect they…
Syndicate condemns attack on prominent editor

Syndicate condemns attack on prominent editor

The Journalists Syndicate condemned on Thursday an assault on Khaled Salah, the editor-in-chief of privately owned Youm7 newspaper and a…
Police clash with armed men in north Sinai, state TV reports

Police clash with armed men in north Sinai, state TV reports

Egyptian police clashed with armed men in northern Sinai's Arish, state television reported on Thursday, a day after security forces…
Tagammu calls to protect Supreme Constitutional Court

Tagammu calls to protect Supreme Constitutional Court

The liberal Tagammu Party called Wednesday to “rescue” the Supreme Constitutional Court after Justice Minister Ahmed Mekky asked the court…
Update: Activists call to protect Morsy following security reshuffle

Update: Activists call to protect Morsy following security reshuffle

Political activists and Muslim Brotherhood youth called for protesters to protect the presidential palace and President Mohamed Morsy’s homes in…
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