
Update: Al-Azhar cleric encourages fighting demonstrators, sparks controversy

Update: Al-Azhar cleric encourages fighting demonstrators, sparks controversy

A member of Al-Azhar’s fatwa committee has said that fighting participants in anti-Muslim Brotherhood demonstrations planned for 24 August is…
Bishry: Parliament not dissolved, invalid third can be re-elected

Bishry: Parliament not dissolved, invalid third can be re-elected

Judge Tarek al-Bishry said that the People's Assembly is not dissolved, but cannot hold sessions, according to an article published…
New powers transferred to Supreme Judicial Council

New powers transferred to Supreme Judicial Council

  The Supreme Judicial Council has essentially taken authority over the Judicial Inspection Department from the Justice Ministry since 11…
Minister says freedom of information bill ready

Minister says freedom of information bill ready

Minister of Telecommunications and Information Technology Hany Mahmoud said his ministry has prepared a freedom of information bill and plans…
Wednesday’s papers: When Morsy told Tantawi

Wednesday’s papers: When Morsy told Tantawi

Wednesday’s papers still attempt to unpack the events that culminated in President Mohamed Morsy's decision to oust the two top…
Egyptian president shown awarding medals to ex-generals

Egyptian president shown awarding medals to ex-generals

Egyptian President Mohamed Morsy was on Tuesday shown awarding medals to Field Marshal Hussein Tantawi and another senior general who…
US says new Egypt defense minister wants close ties

US says new Egypt defense minister wants close ties

WASHINGTON — The new defense minister appointed by Egypt's Islamist president has pledged to uphold the strong military ties between…
Relatives suspect torture after prisoner dies in Mansoura

Relatives suspect torture after prisoner dies in Mansoura

An inmate has died at the public prison in Mansoura, Daqahlia, while trying to adjust the electric connections for the…
Author claims Al-Akhbar banned his article criticizing Brotherhood

Author claims Al-Akhbar banned his article criticizing Brotherhood

A famous Egyptian novelist said Tuesday that state-owned newspaper Al-Akhbar banned an article he penned that was critical of the…
Adl Party asks for release of political prisoners

Adl Party asks for release of political prisoners

The Adl Party asked President Mohamed Morsy to release all political prisoners and reveal the reports of the fact-finding committees…
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