The Health and Population Ministry on Wednesday announced that 20 people were killed and three others were injured in a bus crash at the Eastern Desert Road in Assiut, Upper Egypt.
According to a ministry statement, the bus had collided against a truck at the early hours of the morning.
Immediately after the accident, 36 equipped ambulances were rushed to the scene, and transferred the casualties to the al-Eman General Hospital and Assiut General Hospital.
The ministry noted that the injuries ranged from bruises, fractures, and deep wounds in separate parts in the body.
All surrounding hospitals are at the highest level of readiness, the ministry assured, with all the injured receiving the necessary treatment and medical care and being followed up until they are discharged.
Car accidents in Egypt rose by 17.8 percent in 2019, the Central Agency for Public Mobilization and Statistics (CAPMAS) announced, with 9,992 car accidents compared to to 8,480 in 2018.
In a June report on accident rates, the agency added that the number of car accident deaths rose to 3,484 in 2019 – an increase of 12.9 percent.
It said that in 2019 accident rates with regard to population recorded an accident per 10,000 people, while the rate for vehicles was 0.9 accidents per 1,000 vehicles, and the death rate was 3.6 deaths per 100,000 people.
The rate of car accidents increased to 27.4 accidents per day in 2019, it said.
CAPMAS attributed the main cause of car accidents to human error at 79.7 percent of the total road accident causes in 2019, followed by technical vehicle defects at 13.5 percent.