Al-Masry Al-Youm has published the statement written by Former UN Secretary General Boutros Boutros-Ghali for the conference entitled “Building Trust in a Wider Europ” held in Baku, Azerbaijan on April 27-29 by the Nizami Ganjavi International Center in collaboration with the Club of Madrid.
In his statement, Ghali said the way to build confidence in the international world order is to form a new international organization and devise new technological tools that would control the major players in world politics.
He said the League of Nations was the first generation of international organizations, followed by the United Nations, the second generation. But with the beginning of the new century, the state is no longer capable of resolving the problems faced by the internaitonal community, since "it's too small for the big problems of life and too big for the small problems". Therefore, international organizations might be the only ones to address those issues, but they are not the only players on the international scene: NGOs, regional parliaments, churches, political parties, trade unions and revolutionary movements play an equally important role. Non-state actors, he claims, must participate in the formulation of resolutions and decisions of the new global organization, which should also include regional agreements like the Arab League, the African Union and regional parliaments, or language-based organizations like La Francophonie, Lusophone and hispanophonie and others who belong to the "international civil society", on an equal footing with member states.
"In any case, it is irrelevant to say that the state is actually a path of disappearances in a world torn by supra theater and inter strengths, the state remains the refuge of the individual against the omnipresence of key decision makers who exist at supranational level," he added, calling for a wider debate on the topic.
"This new world organization could be created next to the General Assembly of the United Nations, bringing together non-state actors to rejuvenate and democratize this aging intergovernmental organization," he stated.
Edited translation from Al-Masry Al-Youm