Transport Minister Kamel al-Wazir met with Chairman of the Bin Omeir Holding Mohamed bin Omeir to discuss the company’s management and operation of busways in Egypt.
Since the company is responsible for managing and operating public transportation of all kinds in Dubai it seems a very viable opportunity.
The company also obtained the privilege of managing and operating public transportation in Dar es Salaam in Tanzania.
The meeting comes within the framework of the Ministry of Transport’s endeavor to attract private companies to manage and operate public transportation in Egypt.
This is seen in the capacity of different types of transportation in an order to improve service for citizens and obtain the best management practices.
The Ring Road around Greater Cairo is the first Egyptian road on which BRT buses will operate.
After the completion of the development of the road and the completion of BRT stations construction, there will be ten stations under preparation on the seven-lane Ring Road, including one lane for buses in each direction.