Leading Muslim Brotherhood member Mohamed Beltagy accused the army of murdering its own soldiers in Rafah to “divert the attention from the killing of the Brotherhood detainees in the previous day.”
Beltagy's statement refers to the killing of 25 central security recruits by unidentified gunmen in Rafah last week as they were returning from vacation. The incident took place just one day after the killing of 36 supporters of deposed president Mohamed Morsy in Abu Zaabal prison, an incident which the authorities attributed to the crowding of prisoners.
“No army or police kills detainees inside a deportations vehicle and burns down the corpses,” he explained.
Beltagy said in a video message broadcasted by Al Jazeera Live Egypt on Monday evening, “If there were weapons in the Rabea al-Adaweya sit-in, we would have used it to defend our children.” Beltagy's own 17-year old daughter Asmaa was killed during the dispersal of the Rabea al-Adaweya sit-in on 14 August.
“The coup authority did not provide any evidence of the Muslim Brotherhood's involvement in terrorist operations,” he noted.
Beltagy described the dispersal of the two pro-Morsy sit-ins in Rabea al-Adaweya and Nahda square “a massacre,” claiming they left 3000 people dead. He also accused the current administration of burning corpses in Eman Mosque, forcing the martyrs' families to accept fraud in the forensic reports, and committing another massacre in Fath Mosque.
In Beltagy's opinions, the current regime has turned “the political dispute into [a] fight against terrorism” after it had made a “coup against the president, the Constitution, the People's Assembly and the Shura Council.”
“More than 170 countries in the world do not recognize the military coup,” he claimed.
“Mubarak's regime would be back [in power] at the hands of the military coup. He was allowed to stay at the highest level of convenience with his entourage and has returned to his palace again,” he added.