Prominent Italian Ballet Troupe “Balletto di Milano” is set to stage the Cairo Opera house, performing “Anna Karenina” on January 22, 23 and 24 at the Main Hall.
The event’s description lists the show’s costume designer as Federico Veratti, visual artist Marco Triaca and music by the legendary P.I. Tchaikovsky.
The theatrical performance is adopted from acclaimed novelist Leo Tolstoy’s story of Anna, Karenin’s wife, a classy woman who happens to meet the bachelor Vronksy, delving into a relationship through which Tolstoy highlights the imperialism of Russian society.
Dozens of characters in the story demonstrate love, betrayal, faith, passion and more.
Established in Italy and supported by the country’s Ministry of Culture, the Balletto di Milano is renowned for introducing a new “cultural phenomena” to the Italian community through its collaborations with international renowned theaters as well as dance festivals across the world.
Balletto di Milano was the first ballet troupe to stage the iconic Bolshoi stage, artistically reviving numerous classics including Cinderella, Romeo & Juliet and more.
Image: Balletto di Milano’s 2016 performance of Anna Karenina taken from a promotional video