Zahi Hawass

Ancient Egyptians in Chicago

Ancient Egyptians in Chicago

When I arrived in Chicago with a delegation from the Tourism Ministry, I was greeted by the Egyptian consul, Mohamed…
Yehia al-Fakharani: the giant of the theater

Yehia al-Fakharani: the giant of the theater

The minute my friend Yehia al-Fakharani appeared on the stage of the National Theater in the wonderful play “A Night…
Mohamed Badr and King Tut

Mohamed Badr and King Tut

Luxor Governor Mohamed Badr deserves the title of governor of Tutankhamun. He reminds us of the 1923 demonstrations when the…
Nicholas Reeves did not discover tomb no. 63

Nicholas Reeves did not discover tomb no. 63

I could not believe my ears when I heard Antiquities Minister Mamdouh al-Damaty saying on television that Nicholas Reeves, who…
Tampering with Egypt’s antiquities

Tampering with Egypt’s antiquities

The Permanent Committee of Antiquities issued a strange decision that needs to be reviewed by all those interested in Egyptian…
Do not climb on Nefertiti’s shoulders

Do not climb on Nefertiti’s shoulders

British Egyptologist Nicholas Reeves has claimed that the tomb of the famous Egyptian queen Nefertiti lies behind the walls of…
The world will not tolerate another Bush

The world will not tolerate another Bush

I talked in a previous article about the black horse of the upcoming US elections. He is Donald Trump, the…
Where is Nefertiti’s tomb?

Where is Nefertiti’s tomb?

English archaeologist Nicholas Reeves has said that the tomb of Queen Nefertiti, wife of King Akhenaten, could be inside the…
The ancient Egyptians went to Mars

The ancient Egyptians went to Mars

Some believe that there are secrets of the ancient Egyptians still undiscovered, such as the mummification that only their priests…
Luxor in Hungary

Luxor in Hungary

I was invited to Hungary to deliver a lecture about recent discoveries of antiquities in Egypt. The lecture was entitled…
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