
Egyptian pound steady on official market, weaker on black market

Egyptian pound steady on official market, weaker on black market

The Egyptian pound was unchanged at a central bank dollar sale on Monday but weakened on the black market.The bank…
Israel to halve second order of F-35 fighters – minister

Israel to halve second order of F-35 fighters – minister

Israel will place a second order for between 10 and 15 U.S.-made F-35 fighter jets, around half the number previously…
Palestinian driver found hanged in Jerusalem bus

Palestinian driver found hanged in Jerusalem bus

A Palestinian bus driver was found hanged inside his vehicle on Monday, an incident Israeli police described as a suicide…
UPDATED:Saudi Arabia, UAE and Bahrain end rift with Qatar, return ambassadors

UPDATED:Saudi Arabia, UAE and Bahrain end rift with Qatar, return ambassadors

Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates and Bahrain agreed on Sunday to return their ambassadors to Qatar, signalling an end…
Islamist group rejects UAE terrorism designation

Islamist group rejects UAE terrorism designation

A group of Islamist scholars led by an influential Qatar-based cleric expressed "astonishment" on Monday at being designated a terrorist…
Egypt to try five students in military court on riot charges

Egypt to try five students in military court on riot charges

Five Egyptian students were transferred to a military court on Sunday on charges of rioting at a university, a judicial…
Bahrain state media: Gulf Arab leaders to meet in Riyadh

Bahrain state media: Gulf Arab leaders to meet in Riyadh

Leaders of the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) will hold a summit in Saudi Arabia late on Sunday, Bahrain's state media…
Islamic State claims to have beheaded US hostage Kassig

Islamic State claims to have beheaded US hostage Kassig

Islamic State militants said in a video on Sunday they had beheaded US hostage Peter Kassig and warned the United…
Décor movie: Life is not black and white

Décor movie: Life is not black and white

Life is not black and white, but rather has many options.
First Muslim prayers at US National Cathedral interrupted by protester

First Muslim prayers at US National Cathedral interrupted by protester

The first Muslim prayer service ever hosted at the National Cathedral, a landmark Christian church in the US capital, was…
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