Heba Helmy

Children’s corner: Adli Rizkallah’s art program lives on through his daughter
Life & Style

Children’s corner: Adli Rizkallah’s art program lives on through his daughter

Dalia Adli Rizkallah has decided to expose Egyptian children to innovative education-based entertainment through artistic workshops that immerse them in…
Tuesday’s papers: Presidential nomination process to accelerate

Tuesday’s papers: Presidential nomination process to accelerate

The news of the government accelerating presidential elections gets the most coverage in Egypt's papers Tuesday. The state-owned paper Al-Ahram…
Crafts and creativity essential for development of fine motor skills
Life & Style

Crafts and creativity essential for development of fine motor skills

There is something in the sense of achievement children feel when they succeed in creating their own original masterpieces, even…
Salons prescribe collagen treatment for unhealthy hair

Salons prescribe collagen treatment for unhealthy hair

As French beauticians never fail to remind us, “Il faut souffrir pour etre belle,” (you must suffer to be beautiful)…
Children’s corner: Mid-year vacation activities
Life & Style

Children’s corner: Mid-year vacation activities

Mid-year vacation is a good break for kids after a particularly stressful first semester. However, parents should teach children how…
Thursday’s papers: Mostly positive spin on revolution anniversary

Thursday’s papers: Mostly positive spin on revolution anniversary

Pictures of Tahrir Square packed with hundreds of thousands of protesters on the anniversary of the 25 January revolution dominate…
25 January: A year of surprises and restored pride
Life & Style

25 January: A year of surprises and restored pride

It has been a year since a furious wave of popular uprising overthrew former President Hosni Mubarak on 11 February.…
Tuesday’s papers: Gasoline crisis escalates

Tuesday’s papers: Gasoline crisis escalates

Tuesday's newspapers all run top stories on Egypt's escalating gas crisis, a problem that persists even as government officials continue…
SuperMama: An unprecedented online start-up for Arab mothers
Life & Style

SuperMama: An unprecedented online start-up for Arab mothers

For a first-time mother, it is usually her own mother who becomes the primary source of motherhood advice. Other female…
Copts vacillate between fear and hope at Christmas
Life & Style

Copts vacillate between fear and hope at Christmas

As Egypt undergoes unprecedented political changes under the influence of 25 January revolution, Coptic Christians spent Christmas eve alternating between…
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