Al-Masry Al-Youm

Salvation Front: Morsy has lost legitimacy

Salvation Front: Morsy has lost legitimacy

The National Salvation Front has condemned the violence between supporters and opponents of President Mohamed Morsy outside the presidential palace…
Brotherhood: Feloul, thugs, snipers responsible for Wednesday’s violence

Brotherhood: Feloul, thugs, snipers responsible for Wednesday’s violence

Wednesday night's violent clashes between Muslim Brotherhood members and demonstrators against President Mohamed Morsy were fueled by elements from the…
Clashes erupt near Morsy’s Sharqiya home

Clashes erupt near Morsy’s Sharqiya home

Violent clashes erupted on Thursday close to President Mohamed Morsy’s home in Zagazig, Sharqiya. Protesters angry with the violence that…
Stock market loses LE10.4 billion Thursday

Stock market loses LE10.4 billion Thursday

The violent clashes in front of the presidential palace Wednesday night affected the stock market negatively on Thursday.
Official: Egypt negotiates delaying foreign debt repayment

Official: Egypt negotiates delaying foreign debt repayment

The Planning and International Cooperation Ministry is holding negotiations with creditor countries to delay an external debt payment of US$1…
Following clashes, Morsy adviser retires from politics

Following clashes, Morsy adviser retires from politics

Coptic thinker Rafiq Habib, a leader in the Muslim Brotherhood’s Freedom and Justice Party and adviser to President Mohamed Morsy,…
Al-Azhar body calls on Morsy to freeze constitutional declaration

Al-Azhar body calls on Morsy to freeze constitutional declaration

Al-Azhar's Islamic Research Academy, the body in charge of handing down fatwas, called on the president to freeze his recent…
Diplomats refuse to supervise referendum vote abroad

Diplomats refuse to supervise referendum vote abroad

More than 200 diplomats have said they will not supervise expatriate referendum voting on the draft constitution, which is scheduled…
Interior minister: Police act with impartiality and integrity

Interior minister: Police act with impartiality and integrity

Interior Minister Ahmed Gamal Eddin said Thursday that the police are exerting the maximum effort to secure citizens and facilities,…
Clashes break out at Brotherhood headquarters in eastern Cairo

Clashes break out at Brotherhood headquarters in eastern Cairo

Clashes broke out at the Muslim Brotherhood headquarters in Moqattam, eastern Cairo, between supporters and opponents of President Mohamed Morsy.…
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