Apple digital wallet heads to China

Apple digital wallet heads to China

Apple announced a major partnership with China UnionPay on Thursday to put is digital wallet to work in the world's…
Six one-minute cycling sprints can be just as beneficial as 45 minutes of regular cycling
Health & Fitness

Six one-minute cycling sprints can be just as beneficial as 45 minutes of regular cycling

A UK study which involved Curtin University, Australia has suggested that the increasingly popular high-intensity training has the same cardiovascular…
Fearful Christmas for Syrian Christian town threatened by IS group
Middle East

Fearful Christmas for Syrian Christian town threatened by IS group

As military vehicles roll by, Syrian boys and girls gingerly decorate a large Christmas tree in the Christian town of…
High fat/low carb diet could help treat schizophrenia
Health & Fitness

High fat/low carb diet could help treat schizophrenia

A team of Australian researchers have found that a high fat/low carb ketogenic diet, as favored by body-builders, may be…
Who is 2015’s ‘Most Overpaid Actor’?

Who is 2015’s ‘Most Overpaid Actor’?

Actor Johnny Depp has been crowned this year's Most Overpaid Actor, according to Forbes magazine's ranking, released on Monday. The list…
Frenchman who decapitated boss kills himself in jail

Frenchman who decapitated boss kills himself in jail

A Frenchman who killed his boss and pinned his severed head to a fence at an industrial gas factory has…
In Greenland, hopes for climate change to boost economy

In Greenland, hopes for climate change to boost economy

As the world struggles to limit climate change, some people in Greenland hope to cash in on rising temperatures with…
Saudis ‘commute Sir Lanka maid’s stoning death sentence’
Middle East

Saudis ‘commute Sir Lanka maid’s stoning death sentence’

A Saudi Arabian court has commuted the death-by-stoning sentence passed on a Sri Lankan maid convicted of adultery, the government…
13 migrants drown in latest Aegean Sea sinking

13 migrants drown in latest Aegean Sea sinking

At least 13 people including seven children, drowned when their overloaded boat capsized in the Aegean, police said Wednesday, the…
One person killed in blast at an Istanbul airport
Middle East

One person killed in blast at an Istanbul airport

One person was killed and another wounded after an explosion of unknown origin Wednesday at an airport in Istanbul, Turkish…
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