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As winter approaches, here’s when Daylight Saving Time ends in Egypt

Winter in Egypt will begin soon, prompting citizens to anticipate the end date of daylight saving time in Egypt.

With the application of winter time for 2024, the clock will be delayed by 60 minutes, according to the government’s previous decision when it announced the return of daylight saving time after halting it for nearly seven years.

According to law, starting from the last Friday in April until October of each year, the legal clock in Egypt will be advanced by 60 minutes.

Daylight savings time in Egypt ends on October 28.


The start date of winter time in Egypt

Citizens are waiting for the coming days of October to activate winter time in Egypt and change prayer times, as well as to know the new closing times of stores in winter.


Benefits of applying winter time in Egypt:

  • Saving energy and reducing electricity consumption.
  • Peak hours coincide with sleeping hours, which reduces pressure on the electricity grid.
  • Increasing work during daylight hours, which enhances outdoor and social activities.
  • Compatible with the natural biological sleep cycles, as people naturally tend to sleep early and wake up early in the winter.


Shop closing Times

The new shop closing times coincide with the application of winter time in Egypt, in an effort by the Egyptian government to rationalize electricity consumption by closing shops early, and reducing disturbance in densely populated areas.

Shops are scheduled to open from seven am to 10 pm, with the closing hour being extended by an additional 60 minutes on Thursdays and Fridays, holidays and national occasions, and workshops and crafts from eight am to six pm, with the exception of workshops on main roads and gas stations.

Edited translation from Al-Masry Al-Youm

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