Middle East

Arab FMs sanction Riyadh Summit draft resolution

RIYADH, Nov 9 (MENA) – Arab foreign ministers concluded their preparatory meeting for an emergency Arab summit, slated for Saturday in Saudi Arabia, to discuss ways to stop the fierce Israeli aggression on Gaza.

In their meeting here Thursday, the ministers approved the final version of the draft resolution to be submitted to the Arab Summit to consider its adoption.

Hossam Zaki, the Arab League Assistant Secretary-General, said that the meeting approved the final version of the draft resolution which will be submitted to the Arab Summit on Saturday.

Zaki explained in statements to reporters at the end of the meeting that the resolution addresses a set of elements of the Arab-Palestinian political position and allows the international community to correctly understand the Arab and Palestinian stance which aims to halt the Israeli aggression.

The summit will adopt the draft resolution to meet the aspirations of the Arab peoples, he said, pointing out that the Arab summit will be followed by an Islamic one, where a decision will be taken within the same Arab framework.

Regarding the level of representation at the summit, Zaki stressed that a large number of Arab leaders will participate, and the Arab countries will be well represented.

Regarding demands for humanitarian truces, he said that they are not at the core of the Arab stand which demands a complete ceasefire. However, such truces are ideas that some people talk about in an attempt to deal with the deteriorating humanitarian situation due to the brutality of the Israeli aggression. The core of the Arab stance is to reach an immediate ceasefire, he explained.

As for efforts by Israel and some parties to separate Gaza from the West Bank and send multinational forces to Gaza, he said that all ideas proposed by Israel or by other countries for the sake of separating Gaza from the West Bank are rejected.(MENA)

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