
April 6 movement launches campaign against Shafiq, Moussa

The April 6 Youth Movement in Luxor launched a campaign on Friday to raise awareness among the governorate's residents that presidential hopefuls Ahmed Shafiq and Amr Moussa are "icons of the former regime."

The campaign, titled "We Don't Want Him to Rule", printed thousands of posters to be distributed in the governorate over the next four days to urge people not to vote for Shafiq or Moussa.
The vote is slated for 23 and 24 May.
Mohamed al-Shoqeiry, general coordinator for the movement in the governorate, said it had held forums "to raise the awareness of ordinary people by revealing the amount of corruption the two were involved in."
Shoqeiry said their nomination is in and of itself a form of counter revolution, adding that an electoral victory for either of them would be a “a defeat for the revolution.”
Moussa served as foreign minister under Mubarak for several years, and Shafiq was the ousted president's civil aviation minister and prime minister. 
Edited translation from Al-Masry Al-Youm

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