Antiquities Minister Mamdouh al-Damati and Luxor Governor Mohamed Badr inaugurated Thursday a tomb for King Horemheb and another for King Tuthmosis III at the Valley of the Kings west of Luxor after the completion of restoration work.
The minister also inaugurated three archaeological tombs dating back to the era of the modern state, which will be receiving visitors for the first time since they were discovered in Qarnet Marei area in west Luxor.
The three tombs belong to senior pharaonic statesmen including the deputy of King Tutankhamun and the governor of the southern territories under the modern state, the spiritual father of the palace of King Amenhotep III and the patron of Amun-Re's cattle.
Damati announced that the three tombs will receive visitors for free for six months.
Edited translation from Al-Masry Al-Youm