Clashes between student protesters and army and administrative security personnel ensued Sunday morning at Al-Azhar University in Nasr City, where hundreds of pro-Mohamed Morsy students gathered.
The students blocked Abdel Aziz al-Minshawy Street and shut down all University gates, preventing the entry of faculty, employees and students while chanting against the police and military. University and security forces intervened to make students open the gates.
The protesters later attempted to storm the University's administrative building but were prevented by security personnel who closed the building's doors.
University head Osama al-Abd called for increasing the number of police and army personnel stationed at the university gates in anticipation of clashes.
Ten Central Security Forces formations, five armored vehicles belonging to the police and five others belonging to the army were stationed at the gates, shutting down al-Minshawy Street.
Edited translation from Al-Masry Al-Youm