Over the past days, social networking sites and the media have been buzzing with news about the first Egyptian astronaut, Sarah Sabry.
A news that was widely covered by every platform, which led the media host, Amr Adib, to make phone interview with Sabry on his show on MBC Masr, to congratulate her and discuss the details of her awaited trip.
Before Sabry spoke about her upcoming trip, Adib explained that there are now companies that allow citizens to visit space, referring to “space tourism, other than astronauts.”
Clarification led Sabry to differentiate between space tourists and astronauts, that these trips are divided into 3 types, which are “governmental and commercial, and citizens,” she said.
Sabry continued that the government astronaut gets training for a year or more, unlike the “space tourist” who gets “different and short” training.
Sabry, who holds a Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering from the American University in Cairo and a Master of Medical Engineering in Italy, is preparing to visit space soon, on a trip that will last only 11 minutes from the launch of the rocket from Earth to space.
Sabry revealed many of the scenes of her upcoming trip, during which she indicated that it is possible for any citizen to apply for such trips.
Space flights seem to be conquering the world in the near future. Therefore, “Al-Masry Al-Youm” presents in this report, based on Sabry’s remarks and the New York Times, steps for visiting space for citizens.
How do you get to space?
The New York Times revealed that the first step is to apply to one of the two companies, “Blue Origin” or “Virgin Galactic,” both of which are licensed for space travel by the Federal Space Administration, and are open to selling tickets.
The two companies currently have hundreds or even thousands of Earthlings on their waiting lists to visit space.
According to Sabry, she submitted a request to visit space for the “Space for Humanity” program, and then “they chose me from among the thousands,” she said.
Sabry explained that the reason behind her choosing in the program to accompany 6 people on a space visit, consisting of two women and four men of nationalities dominated by the United States, one for Portugal and the other for Egypt, is that they have leadership skills in the field of space, and that they will benefit from the experience for the public interest.
After you’ve applied for space travel and been selected, you’ll move on to the second stage of a customized “non-strict” program that includes spacesuit-equipped test briefings, decompression balloon flights to astronaut training camps, and zero-gravity flight simulations.
Turning again to Sabry’s conversation with Amr Adib, we find that she said in this regard, “We receive training, and there will be in medical analyzes on the heart, because if someone is unable to bear it.”
After the exercises are over, and the citizen is ready to take the trip, which Adib asked about the speed of the rocket, but Sabry did not give him an answer explaining, “I don’t know, but it is very fast.”
The New York Times revealed that going to space is at 12 miles per hour, which means it’s very smooth and gentle, according to Jane Poynter, co-founder and co-CEO of Space Perspective.
Ticket prices
Regarding the price of the ticket, which Sabry has no information about its cost, the New York Times report indicated that the cost of one person for the trip is US$ 125,000.
Space Means of Transportation
According to the New York Times, there are two modes of transport, a pressurized capsule attached to a huge helium-filled balloon, or a space rocket, which includes experiencing the feeling of zero gravity felt by astronauts in space, which is arranged for customers via specialized and chartered Boeing 727 aircraft that are flown in Parabolic arches to mimic being in space.
Fun on the Journey
It is natural for the tourist to think, what is the benefit of visiting space, a side from getting the title of “space tourist”, which was answered by Sabry.
She explained that out of the 11 minutes (the duration of the flight) there will be 3 minutes “we will watch the earth.”
There will be what is called (the effect of the general view in the brain) and it will make us have differences in dealing with problems on the ground,” she indicated.