
Abouel Fotouh: Failure to criticize SCAF is treason

Failure to criticize the ruling military council is treason, presidential hopeful Abdel Moneim Abouel Fotouh said in an interview Sunday, explaining that everyone has to acknowledge the mistakes it made during the transition.

Abouel Fotouh told media presenter Mahmoud Saad in an interview on satellite channel Al-Nahar that he distinguishes between the Supreme Council of the Armed Forces and the army, and called for the army to maintain the status it had under the old 1971 Constitution.

The former Muslim Brotherhood member warned that the election of a former regime figure would lead to a new revolution, but voiced confidence he would be elected Egypt’s new president.

Former Mubarak-era ministers Ahmed Shafiq and Amr Moussa are considered front-runners in the race. The first round of voting is set for Wednesday and Thursday.

Abouel Fotouh said he is running for president to materialize people’s aspirations. He said he respects “refined” art that does not seek to undermine social values.

The candidate also praised his Nasserist competitor, Hamdeen Sabbahi.

“He is a dear friend, and I hope that he and other nationalist candidates will be part of a project that serves this country,” Abouel Fotouh said.

“I vow to restore security within the first 100 days of my tenure, to provide citizens with a minimum of wages and to proceed toward the achievement of our revolution’s goals,” he said at the end of the interview.

Edited translation from Al-Masry Al-Youm

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