Every summer sees reignited controversy over the banning of ‘burkini’, swimwear that covers the head and body, in beaches and swimming pools – an issue especially contentious in western countries on beaches or swimming pools citing health and hygiene reasons.
Recently, the mayor of the French city of Grenoble announced that the burkini would be allowed in the city’s swimming pools – despite a country-wide ban on the garb.
French Interior Minister Gerald Dermanin criticized the decision, describing it as “unacceptable and provocative, and contradictory to the values of secularism espoused by France”.
According to BBC, he stressed that he would resort to the judiciary in an effort to abolish the decision.
Alongside France, the following countries also ban the burkini:
Several years ago, a decree was issued in Austria banning Muslim women from wearing the burkini in swimming pools for being “unsafe clothing”.
Austria has not only been tough on the burkini, but has called on politicians to ban the wearing of the niqab and headscarf in public.
A fine of 500 euros is the punishment for any woman who appears in a burkini in the swimming pools of Italy or on its beaches, which since 2009 has banned the burkini.
The mayor of Antwerp referred to burkinis as wearable “tents” after a decision was issued to ban it several years ago, prompting protests by Muslim women.
Germany banned the wearing of the burkini on the beaches for a long time, but three years ago a German court abolished the ban on the wearing of the burkini in the swimming pools in Koblenz, after a Muslim woman filed a lawsuit against the ban.
Several cities Germany continue to persecute the wearing of the burkini or veil.