Actress Hala Shiha has resurfaced on her Instagram account wearing the hijab once more, sharing the new snapshots with her followers accompanied by a verse from the Quran: “Indeed, my prayer, my rites of sacrifice, my living and my dying are for Allah, Lord of the worlds.”
She announced her plans to launch a new podcast after Ramadan, explaining that it will be a platform to share her personal experience, saying: “God willing, after Ramadan, I will do a podcast to talk about my experience, because it is definitely similar to many people’s experiences.”
Shiha did not reveal more details about the content of her upcoming podcast, but hinted that it will address milestones from her life and her personal experiences.
Her followers expressed their enthusiasm to learn more about her recent journey.
Shiha, a prominent actress in the early 2000s, decided to retire from acting in 2005.
This decision was largely attributed to her increased religious devotion and her choice to wear the niqab (face veil).
During this period, she focused on her family life and religious studies, keeping out of the public eye.
In 2019, she officially announced that she will co-star alongside famous actor Mohamed Ramadan in the Ramadan TV series “Zalzal” (Earthquake).
Following her return, Shiha’s public persona continued to evolve.
She would sometimes appear wearing the hijab, and other times without it. Her relationship with the entertainment industry has remained dynamic, with periods of activity and periods of relative quiet.
Shiha is known for her roles with comedian legend Adel Emam in “Arees Men Geha Amneya” (Groom from the Security Forces), and with the late singer and actor Amer Monib in “Kamel Al Awsaf” (The Perfect One), in addition to her significant lead role in the film “Al Selem Wal Thoaban” (The Snake and The Ladder) film, among others.