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Egypt to experience unusually mild January with foggy mornings

The Egyptian Meteorological Authority (EMA) has revealed Thursday’s weather forecast, indicating that January, typically the coldest month, will deviate from expectations.

Rain will be minimal, with only light showers expected in Halayeb and Shalateen.

During the day, temperatures will be moderate in Greater Cairo, the North Coast, and Northern Sinai, while being warm in South Sinai and the southern part of the country.

Nights and early mornings will however be very cold across most areas, with freezing temperatures impacting crops in Central Sinai.

Weather maps have also warned of dense fog on some agricultural roads, highways, and near water bodies, leading to reduced visibility.

The EMA advised travelers to maintain a safe distance between vehicles, reduce their speed, slightly open windows to prevent water vapor buildup, and stop driving immediately in case of zero visibility, parking their vehicles away from the main road.

Edited translation from Al-Masry Al-Youm

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