
Very hot weather continues across Egypt on Wednesday

The Egyptian Meteorological Authority (EMA) expects the weather to remain very hot and humid during the day in most parts on Wednesday.

Weather will be hot and humid at night in most parts. Moderate winds will be active in most parts at intermittent intervals.


Chances of rain:

The EMA indicated chances of light to moderate rain, with possible thunder in the areas of Halayeb and Shalateen, Ras Banas, Abu-Simbel, Aswan, New Valley, Luxor, accompanied by active winds blowing up dust and sand on some roads.


Advice to beat the heat:

The EMA advised citizens not to be exposed to direct sunlight during peak hours, keep well-hydrated by drinking plenty of fluids, wear light-colored cotton clothes, and sit in well-ventilated areas.


Temperatures on Wednesday:

  • North Coast: 32C
  • Greater Cairo and Lower Egypt: 36C
  • Northern Upper Egypt: 39C
  • South Sinai: 40C
  • Southern Upper Egypt: 43C

Edited translation from Al-Masry Al-Youm

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