
Sisi, EC president urge uniting efforts to reach ceasefire in Gaza

DEAD SEA, Jordan, June 11 (MENA) – Egyptian President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi and President of the European Council (EC) Charles Michel called for uniting all efforts to reach a ceasefire in the Gaza Strip and ensure sustainable access of humanitarian aid into the Palestinian enclave.

Their remarks came during a meeting on the sidelines of the “Call for Action: Urgent Humanitarian Response for Gaza” Conference in Jordan, said Presidential Spokesman Ahmed Fahmi.

They also warned of the dire security and humanitarian consequences of expanding the Israeli military operations in areas crowded with civilians in the Strip.

On his part, the European Council president lauded Egypt’s mediation efforts, emphasizing the EU support for all efforts aimed at protecting civilians and address the worsening humanitarian crisis in Gaza.

Michel stressed the importance of uniting international endeavors to apply the two-state solution in accordance with international legitimacy resolutions, as being the way to achieve security and stability in the region, as well as being the guarantee for preventing the renewal and expansion of the conflict in the future.

The spokesman noted that Sisi and Michel spoke about the Egypt-EU strong and profound relations after they have recently been elevated to the strategic level, especially in light of the common interests between the two sides. (MENA)

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