The Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research, Acting Minister of Health and Population, Khaled Abdel-Ghaffar, said that Egypt reached herd immunity, but it is not absolute and eternal immunity.
He pointed out that the percentage of those who received the vaccination in the age group of 18 years and over reaches 90 percent, pointing out that 65 percent of the age group from 18 years and over were vaccinated; with a first dose or/ and a second dose.
He continued, “We were able to administer nearly 93 million vaccine shots, and we reached nearly 45 million first doses, 38 million second doses, and 7 million booster doses.”
Abdel-Ghaffar said, during a telephone interview with Al-Hadath Al-Youm satellite channel, on Sunday: “During the past weeks, we have witnessed an expected increase in the number of infections with the coronavirus, which are combined infections and not infections that affect hospitals or the occupancy rates in intensive care units.”
He added, “through our monitoring of the combined cases, we were able to deal with them and educate citizens about dealing with the virus.”
Mohamed Awad Tag-Eddin, Adviser to the President for Health Affairs, revealed the reason for the increase in coronavirs infections during the recent period, stressing that it is not rapid nor an excessive increase.
He said, during a telephone interview with the “ETC” satellite channel, on Sunday evening, that most of the infections in the whole world, including Egypt, are the result of the sub-mutants of Omicron, explaining that there are two new variants named by numbers and not letters.
Tag-Eddin pointed out that the vast majority of cases are between simple to moderate symptoms and most of them are treated at home, and that there is a clear response to treatment, despite the increase in infections across the country, and that the global pandemic is still present in the whole world.
He stressed that the wave is currently present in Egypt, the region and many countries of the world, which confirms that the global pandemic has not ended, stressing the need to adhere to precautionary and preventive measures by limiting gatherings, social distancing and vaccination.