The Ministry of Health and Population announced that they will provide the coronavirus vaccines to refugees and asylum seekers through medical teams without registering on the ministry’s website, pointing out that the vaccination can be obtained with a passport or a UNHCR certificate.
The ministry pointed out, in an official statement, that coronavirus vaccines were available at several metro stations.
The Ministry added it targets vaccinating 70 percent of citizens by the end of June to reach herd immunity, so that coronavirus precautionary measures could be eased.
The Ministry reassured citizens about all Corona vaccines and their side effects.
They also explained that they include a rise in temperature, redness at the vaccination site, and a feeling of fatigue and exhaustion, and they go away on their own and do not need to go to a doctor.
According to the statement of the Ministry of Health, although coronavirus recovery rates at health isolation hospitals rose.
it calls on citizens to be very careful during Ramadan and to communicate with it through its hotline 105 if they have answer inquiries about the virus to get verified information from official sources.