
Moderate weather expected Thursday

Meteorologists expect cooler weather for Thursday on the north coast, warm weather from Cairo and for the majority of the country. Upper Egypt will see hot weather in he day, but the hot temperatures will ease off at night.
Moderate cloud cover for the north and east of the country, accompanied by rain in Sinai, the mountains on the Red Sea coast, Halayib and Shalateen. Light rain is forecast for the south of Upper Egypt.
The prevailing wind will be moderate and northeasterly. Winds are predicted to be stronger in Sinai, on the Red Sea, the Gulf of Suez, and in Upper Egypt.
Waves will range between one to two meters high on the Mediterranean and on the Red Sea, with a northwesterly surface wind for both.
Maximum temperatures expected for Thursday in degrees Celsius:
Cairo: 29
Alexandria: 25
Sharm el-Sheikh: 33
Luxor: 35
Aswan: 38
Edited translation from Al-Masry Al-Youm

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