
Cling to life: Majida El-Roumi to Tunisia

Popular Lebanese singer Majida El-Roumi wrote the following words on Facebook to express her love for Tunisia:
We are with you
With you, with your beloved people, with your freedom, with your sovereignty and with your strength
With you
Tonight, I wipe your tears with my heart 
Dawn is rising on us all, I promise
It will rise on wounded Lebanon and stolen Palestine 
It will rise on Syria, Iraq, Libya, Egypt and Yemen
It will rise on every grain of soil in the sad Middle East
It will rise on France and Europe
It will rise on the whole universe
It will rise 
It will rise despite all the violence rampant everywhere
It will rise despite attempts to obliterate our sovereignty
We have loyal men guarding our homes
And we have God. His word is final. His mercy is endless. 
I love you Tunisia
Cling to life
Edited translation from Al-Masry Al-Youm

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