A young man named Mohamed Saeed has started a talk show on YouTube entitled “Forbidden Talk” to discuss the problems his generation faces, such as female genital mutilation, discrimination and false religiosity.
“We must recognize our problems so that we can solve them,” said Saeed. “Otherwise, society will collapse.”
“The young people who were able to make a revolution through Facebook and Twitter can also address such problems if we make them aware,” he said.
Saeed has posted 15 shows to date, each discussing a different problem. “Viewership was very high,” he said.
One controversial show was entitled “What is a failed president,” in which he addressed problems faced under Hosni Mubarak, Mohamed Morsi and Abdel Fattah al-Sisi.
Other shows addressed the discrimination against Coptic Christians, the adverse effects of female genital mutilation and how Egypt is very much a man’s world.
Edited translation from Al-Masry Al-Youm