An informed source from the Health Ministry revealed that conflict between owners of drug companies is the reason behind delay of offering the Egyptian Sovaldi, that cures Hepatitis C virus, in pharmacies.
Six of the owners of the drug companies are pressuring the pharmaceutical sector of the ministry to delay offering the drug to the pharmacy until all companies all able produce the medication. Currently only one company is able to produce the drug.
“Six of the consulting pharmacology and medicine committee of the ministry own drug factories that produce the Egyptian Sovaldi,” the source said, adding that Tareq Salman, deputy minister, called on the producing company to delay the offering of the medicine claiming desire to save strategic stock for the patients.
The company suspended its production 10 days after offering 300 packages, the source said. The owner complained about Salman’s interference, which caused the situation to be escalated to Health Minister Adel al-Adawy.
Hossam Abdel Ghaffar, the ministry spokesperson, said the company that produces the Egyptian alternative offered 300 packages that are not enough for 50 patients.
Edited translation from Al-Masry Al-Youm