The Free Egyptians Party will declare the names of its candidates running for parliamentary elections next week, according to Nasr al-Qaffas, the head of the party's media committee.
The party will compete on 200 individual seats, Qaffas said.
In a press conference held on Monday at the party’s headquarters, Qaffas said the party filed names of its candidates running for the list-based seats to be including in former PM Kamal al-Ganzoury's "national list." Ganzoury has been in talks with several candidates to join his electoral coalition.
The party will start meeting with its candidates on 11 January to initiate talks regarding the party’s electoral platform.
The electoral platform will be entitled "We will conquer poverty," in addition to other slogans addressing rights, terrorism, tourism, women and others, he said.
The party opened a bank account for donations in order to receive support for its electoral platform, Qaffas said, describing this as a move to build up the party from its members.
The party will not compete with candidates of other parties whose thoughts are similar to the party’s platform, he added.
“We selected our candidates based on ongoing discussions lasting eight months. Priority was given to the most efficient, not those close to leaders of the party, according to polls conducted by the party,” Qaffas said. He pointed out that the media focuses on the lists, despite the fact they will represent less than one quarter of the seats. He expressed support toward Ganzoury’s lists, for their wide political representation.
Shehab Wageeh, the party spokesperson, said the party’s legislative agenda is based on the Brazilian development experience. The party has many mechanisms to fight poverty through preparing youth for the labor market and offering direct support to families though education and health programs.
Edited translation from Al-Masry Al-Youm