The Muslim Brotherhood criticized the court ruling which sentenced 183 of its supporters to death including group supreme guide Mohamed Badie.
"The mass death sentences against coup opponents are a heinous crime by judges who have lost their honor and reputation," the MB said in a statement Saturday.
"The coup's end is soon and the hour of salvation has approached, and woe, all woe will be to oppressors, killers and betrayers," it added.
"In an unprecedented heinous crime in history, today a decision to kill 182 Egypt's honor people was issued," the statement read.
"The military and its tools are sending messages to the Egyptian people that there is no room for the right to life nor liberty nor justice, and that the road taken by the dictator regime is the road of bloodshed, violence, oppression, and muzzling mouths," the MB added.
The statement stressed the revolution will continue and that the people will take revenge on the coup leaders and its backers in the police, media and judicial system.
The statement added the group would not give up the rights of martyrs, detainees and the oppressed.
Minya Criminal Court sentenced, on Saturday, 183 MB supporters to death, 3 to life imprisonment, and two defendants to 15 years rigorous imprisonment over riots that took place in Minya following Rabaa and al-Nahda sit-ins dispersal in August 2013. The court acquitted 496 others.