The Minister of Social Solidarity, Ghada Wali, stated on Tuesday that the National Elections Commission (NEC) had received a total of 64 requests from non-governmental organizations (NGOs) to monitor the 2018 Egyptian presidential election, but they must demonstrate support for human rights and democracy in order to be granted a license.
Wali explained that NGOs will be given a license allowing them to monitor – within the NEC’s rules – the elections if they meet a set of requirements, as set out by the NEC.
After NGO representatives register their names in the NEC database, Wali revealed that some of the requirements include that an NGO must have a good reputation and demonstrate impartiality, fairness, and former experience in monitoring elections.
Wali added that NGOs also must provide documents proving their registration in the Ministry of Social Solidarity’s database, and documents demonstrating that the scope of their work is linked to election-monitoring, human rights, and support of democracy, in addition to a brief on the NGOs’ legal statues and activities.
Edited translation from Al-Masry Al-Youm