
11 Egyptian pilgrims die in 48 hours

Eleven Egyptian pilgrims have died over the past two days while performing the annual hajj pilgrimage in Saudi Arabia, announced Assistant Minister of Foreign Affairs, Mohamed Abdel Hakam. The corpses have been buried in Saudi Arabia.

Abdel Hakam pointed out that the total number of Egyptian deaths since the start of the pilgrimage had reached 28 on Tuesday night. Wednesday marks the first day of the Muslim Bairam feast, which goes on until Friday.

Nearly 3 million Muslims performing the annual pilgrimage began making their way up the rocky desert Mount Arafat on Monday, chanting that they have come to answer God's call.

The climb at Arafat is one of the cornerstones of the pilgrimage, which is required from every able-bodied Muslim at least once in their life time. It's the site where Islam's Prophet Muhammad delivered his farewell sermon and Muslims mark by making prayers and asking for forgiveness.

Translated from the Arabic Edition.

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