
Very hot weather expected in Egypt on Sunday, Cairo hits 39C

The Egyptian Meteorological Authority (EMA) expects that the weather on Sunday will witness a continued rise in temperatures ranging from two to three Celsius degrees in the north of the country up to Greater Cairo.

Very hot weather will prevail in most parts of the country, hot on the northern coasts.

Temperatures on Sunday

  • Northwestern coasts: 33C
  • Northeastern coasts and central Sinai: 34C
  • Lower Egypt and Canal cities: 38C
  • Cairo: 39C

The Director General of Forecasts and Early Warning at the EMA Mahmoud Shaheen said that turbulent weather conditions around the world are impacting Egypt.

Regarding weather conditions, Shaheen explained that Egypt is being impacted by air masses in neighboring countries such as Libya or Sudan.

He stressed that the developed early warning system in Egypt monitors weather phenomena and predicts the course of weather phenomena.

The highest temperatures in Egypt was recorded in the spring, not the summer, he noted.

“Last year, the highest temperature recorded in Cairo reached 45C, and this year it reached 43C, two degrees lower than last year,” he concluded, adding that temperatures in Cairo did not fall below 37C.

Edited translation from Al-Masry Al-Youm

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