
Sharqiya security confronts Brotherhood marches trying to hinder referendum

Sharqiya security services have confronted several marches by supporters of deposed President Mohamed Morsy to hinder the referendum process.
Protesters were flashing the Rabaa al-Adaweya salute.
Teargas was fired to disperse one march at Zagazig city and another at entrance of 10th of Ramadan City. Protesters tried to stop traffic and hamper work of polling stations.
Dozens of Muslim Brotherhood members formed human chains at al-Fadadna village and blocked Zagazig-Faqqous road for almost half an hour. Security dispersed them and reopened the road. 10th of Ramadan City security arrested five Brotherhood supporters who were in a vehicle with speakers inciting boycott of referendum.
The referendum is very crucial for the interim government as it is the first step of the democratic roadmap that legitimizes the military-supported ouster of Mohamed Morsy.
Edited translation from MENA

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