Constituent Assembly member and Salafi Dawah Spokesperson Sheikh Yasser Borhamy has said that the first draft of the new Egyptian constitution does not include agreed-upon stipulations that rights and freedoms should not conflict with established social values.
The state-run newspaper Al-Ahram quoted the Salafi leader as saying that the draft does not include articles previously agreed upon, and added that granting too many freedoms opens the door for undermining social values under the veneer of freedom of thought and belief.
Borhamy said that the unrestricted freedoms established in the draft suggest the freedom of paganism, Satanism and apostasy
Borhamy also called for amending or including an interpretation of the term "principles" in Article 2, which stipulates that "principles of Islamic Sharia are the main source of legislation."
Many Salafis have threatened to vote against the new draft of the constitution if it does not require conformity to Islamic law.