
Pensioners, master’s and doctoral degree holders protest

Dozens of pensioners from the Military Production Ministry demonstrated in front of the Cabinet on Hussein Hegazy Street Tuesday, demanding financial dues from the ministry.
"We retired in 2013 and we have still not received our financial dues, despite filing numerous complaints with the ministry," said protesters. The ministry has yet to respond to the complaints.
More complaints have been heard from several master's and doctoral degrees holders, who were supposed to be hired by the Atomic Energy Authority. They headed to the complaints department affiliated with the Cabinet to find out what the results were from the complaint they filed at the beginning of this week.
Though the Central Agency for Organization and Administration issued letters for the appointment of the 2014 batch to the Atomic Energy Authority, the authority denied the appointments due to a lack of positions and financial resources, said complainant Mostafa Ibrahim.
Security personnel tightened their presence around the Cabinet and demanded protesters leave because they have no protest permits.
Edited translation from Al-Masry Al-Youm

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