
Journalists Syndicate to file 13 claims with top prosecutor

The Journalists' Syndicate will file 13 claims to the top prosecutor on Wednesday, June 10, the Day of the Journalist, over detained journalists, said rapporteur for the Freedoms Committee at the Journalists' Syndicate Khaled al-Balshy.
There are some new claims included in the group concerning journalists who were imprisoned last month, in addition to old claims that have been submitted to the top prosecutor and have yet to be resolved, Balshy said.
The Freedoms Committee has proposed a one-day strike to protest how poorly journalists are treated, including demanding better wages and stopping judicial prosecution of journalists, he added.
There will be a protest on the stairs of the syndicate at 5:00 pm, Balshy mentioned.
Edited translation from Al-Masry Al-Youm

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