
HEC: No challenges from Sisi or Sabbahi

Chancellor Abdel Aziz Salman, secretary-general of the High Elections Committee (HEC) said on Wednesday that he did not receive any objections or challenges from the presidential candidates against each other.

This came on the second day of receiving objection applications, the closing date of which is next Wednesday evening.
Meanwhile, sources speaking on condition of anonymity said Sisi and Sabbahi submitted the minimum amount of endorsements, which is 1,000 endorsements from each of the 15 governorates, adding that some endorsements were repeated and thus excluded.
The sources also said that the examination of the candidates’ application documents would be finished early due to the fact that none of them objected to the other.
Committee member Abdel Wahab Abdel Razek said the elections will be held in time even if all procedures are completed early.
Edited translation from Al-Masry Al-Youm

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