
The governor did not keep his promise: dead conscript’s mother

The mother of Kirolos Fadel Halim, the conscript who was killed in a terrorist attack in Sheikh Zuweid, said that Saeed Abdel Aziz, the governor of North Sinai, did not keep any of the promises he made to her. 
“He said it loud in front of his guards that he would name a school after my son,” she said, adding that the governor named a school and a street after an officer who was killed in the same attack.  
“When I asked him why he did not do the same for my son, he told me my son was no more than a conscript,” she said. “This is an insult to the whole Egyptian army.”
She also said that the governor did not carry out the Cabinet’s order to find jobs for the relatives of the victims killed on duty. “He said he would find work for me in the 10th of Ramadan City,” she said. “It is too far for a woman my age.”
She added that he held a ceremony to honor the victims of Sharqiya, the hometown of her son, but did not invite her to it.
“I want to work in a school that is named after my son,” she said, adding that her son died defending his country from division and discrimination. “It is the governor who discriminates.”
Edited translation from Al-Masry Al-Youm

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