
Foreign Ministry starts arrangements for expats voting in parliamentary elections

Foreign Ministry has begun arrangements for Egyptian expatriates to vote in the parliamentary elections slated for 21 March.
Foreign Ministry Sameh Shokry instructed drafting a statement on the formation of polling stations at headquarters of embassies and consulates to be reviewed by the High Elections Commission.
He stressed the necessity to provide facilities for Egyptians abroad in order to cast their ballots.
An informed diplomatic source said, “As per the minister’s instructions, it has been decided to form a team from departments and sectors in question to coordinate with HEC, finish the arrangements for elections at embassies and consulates, communicate with Egyptian expatriates and provide them with information to take part in elections.”
Elections will be held through two phases, each should take place on two days. First stage will be on 21-22 March. Runoff will be on 31 March to 1 April. Second stage will be on 25-26 April. Runoff will be on 5-6 May.
The minister, according to the source, gave instructions also providing information to international organizations that will submit requests to monitor elections according to specific standards identified by HEC.
Edited translation from Al-Masry Al-Youm

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