Ambassador of Ethiopia to Cairo Mahmoud Dreier Ghedi said in a statement to Al-Arabiya news channel Thursday that Ethiopia is determined to continue the construction of the Grand Renaissance Dam.
Ghedi added that Egyptian media portrays Ethiopia badly. He called on media to stop distorting the image of Ethiopia and conveying incorrect information.
Ghedi denied that Israel is funding the dam.
Ghedi added Ethiopia has the right to build dams on its territory as long as it does not harm the interests of other people. He said his country would abide by the recommendations of the tripartite committee formed to study the effect of the dam on Egypt and Sudan.
Ghedi denied that Ethiopia took advantage of political instability in Egypt to divert the Blue Nile path.
He continued: "There is a serious media campaign from several parties used to wrong Ethiopia, but quietly we respond saying it is not a shame not to recognize Egypt's share of the Nile waters determined by colonizers."
"We do not want to reduce the relationship between Egypt and Ethiopia in the Nile water file, and there are ongoing contacts between the foreign ministers of Egypt and Ethiopia to bring close the views," Ghedi said.