
Criminal Court resumes retrial of Mubarak, others over killing protesters

The Cairo Criminal Court resumed on Sunday the retrial of ex-President Hosni Mubarak, his sons Alaa and Gamal, ex-Interior Minister Habib al-Adly, six former deputies and businessman Hussein Salem on charges of killing protesters and financial corruption.
The court heard the testimony of Major General Khaled Tharwat, former interior minister deputy in the national security sector.
On Saturday, the court heard a testimony from Major General Hamdy Badeen, former head of military police and current military attache to the Egyptian embassy in China.
The court had earlier heard testimonies from several former senior officials who had worked during the Mubarak-era and other current officials. The court also heard the testimonies of people who had witnessed the incidents, including Field Marshal Mohamed Hussein Tantawi (former defense minister), General Sami Anan (former chief of presidential staff), Major General Morad Mowafy (former chief of intelligence) and Hassan al-Roweiny (former head of the central military command).
Edited translation from Al-Masry Al-Youm

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