Constituent Assembly Secretary General Amr Darrag has said that consensus over the draft constitution is approaching 100 percent, with only three articles left to be discussed.
Darrag also said the Salafis have consented to Article 2 that pertains to Sharia law and Article 219 that complements it.
Liberal political forces had reservations about the articles on freedoms, while the Salafis requested that Sharia be the source of legislation.
Darrag further said that the international civil society organizations that reviewed the draft said it is modern, balanced and does not contravene freedoms.
He added that the draft would be finalized within a month, as the assembly was given six months to draft the constitution and five have passed.
With regard to the rumored Friday demonstration in support of Sharia, Darrag said the political forces, including the Freedom and Justice Party and the Nour Party, would boycott it.
“Demonstrations do not write constitutions,” he said. “Discussions and suggestions do.”
News reports said the second reading of the draft would be held on 4 November.
Edited translation from MENA