
Cabinet gives instructions to check state employees’ security status

Al-Masry Al-Youm has obtained an official document issued by the Cabinet which gives instructions to ministers to perform a security review of all leaders working at the ministries to ensure they are not affiliated with any terrorist groups.
Official sources revealed the existence of a list with the names of leaders from the Agriculture Ministry. Some leaders were classified as ‘dangerous elements’, indicating the risks involved if they resumed work.
The Cabinet renewed the instructions after the new ministers were sworn in on Thursday, the sources told Al-Masry Al-Youm.
The document also included a letter to all ministries highlighting recommendations reached in a previous meeting, which included five rules on how to deal with elements that endangering national security at the ministries.
The rules included qualifying security personnel at state establishments to find people affiliated to terrorist groups, observing employees that frequently take time off without compelling reasons, training non-security personnel on security measures to overcome the shortage in personnel, as well as delegating security personnel from other establishments.
Edited translation from Al-Masry Al-Youm

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