Amnesty International called for a full and impartial investigation into the bloodshed in Egypt, saying the authorities' response to the protests has been "grossly disproportionate".
Amnesty International described the latest developments in Egypt as "disastrous" and called for an urgent impartial investigation into the bloodshed, describing the authorities' response to the protests as "grossly disproportionate".
The statement published by the human rights organization on its website said that there are initial testimonies and evidence that leave "little doubt" that the security forces have in fact been acting "with blatant disregard for human life".
"Full investigations that are both impartial and independent are urgently needs," Philip Luther, Middle East and North Africa Program Director at Amnesty International.
The statement made reference to the fact that some protesters used violence, which is what the government and its supporters have been accusing the protesters supporting the Muslim Brotherhood and deposed president, Mohamed Morsy of. However, the authorities' response was "grossly disproportionate, seemingly not differentiating between violent and non-violent protesters" or bystanders, according to the statement.
As human casualties are on the rise since Wednesday, Amnesty International called on UN experts "especially the Special Rapporteur on extrajudicial, summary or arbitrary executions – to be given access to the country to investigate the circumstances of the violence and the pattern of excessive and unwarranted lethal force used by the Egyptian authorities."
Supporters of Morsy of have pledged to stage daily marches for at least a week to show their defiance to the "coup" and the "ruthlessness of the security forces".
On the "Friday of Rage" march staged by the Muslim Brotherhood and their supporters in Ramses Square, at least 80 were killed. The death-toll has topped 700 since last Wednesday.